Streamdrome is a VHS styled creepy stream overlay package for your Twitch & YouTube Gaming streams, compatible with Streamlabs Desktop, OBS Studio, and any other streaming app that will allow you to add images (.PNG, .JPG) and video (.WEBM, .MP4).
What is in this creepy stream overlay package?
Inspired by weirdly unsettling creepypasta and found footage, this creepy stream overlay package features a 90s VHS motif, from the slightly warped and jarringly natural stream screens, to the 9os video store inspired animated icons and graphics. Streamdrome is the perfect pick for your horror streams, both in October and beyond.
You’ll see a full break down of content included in the boxes. Stream packages aim to give you most of the elements you need to brand and stylise your stream, here you’ll find a stream overlay for your content, stream screens for the parts you’re not present, twitch panels, and more.